Home / Kultur / Teater / I was Greta Garbo back in town, then off to Sweden

I was Greta Garbo back in town, then off to Sweden

portrattOttilianRolandssonAfter several years and many performances in the United States, actor and writer Ottiliana Rolandsson is returning “her” Greta Garbo to her native Sweden.

It’s been eight years since Ottiliana Rolandsson first wrote and performed an early version of I was Greta Garbo, a play commissioned by the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. The play was a monologue in connection with an exhibition of the iconic Swedish actress, and much of the writing took place in Sweden, in Ottiliana’s hometown Umea, as well as in Garbo’s beloved Stockholm.

Over the years, Rolandsson has continued to work on the script, its transformation reflecting inspiring collaborations as well as her increasing insights into Greta Garbo’s life.

Ottiliana Rolandsson has performed what is now a full-length one-woman play in many different venues in and outside o California, but this summer she is particularly excited to be able to bring her Garbo back home. Thanks to an invitation by the Garbo Society, iTeve Sweden and Höllywood Studies, Rolandsson will be performing her show in Stockholm, Kalmar and other cities. It will also be filmed for television.

Prior to her departure for Sweden there is an opportunity to get a first preview of I was Greta Garbo here in Los Angeles. A new director, Jeffrey VanderByl, and several talented artists will bring Greta Garbo’s life back on stage in Rolandsson’s intimate, sensitive and often funny interpretation.

For tickets and more information, go to www.sannart.com/garbo.

Photo: Ottiliana Rolandsson in I was Greta Garbo. Photo: Joshua Woods.Ottiliana_Garbo show photoW600

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